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Influencer Marketing

You’re already aware of how Likes, Tweets, Shares, social mentions and links can help increase your sites rankings.  what about Influencer Marketing?

Done properly, you can produce higher levels of engagement, authority and trust.  Along with that, you'll also boost your keyword rankings!

Stick around, keep reading below to learn more and Let's Talk Marketing!

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Influencer Marketing

Marketing influencer on mobile influencing followers

Did you know?

  • Influence marketing is the fastest-growing online customer acquisition method
  • 40% of consumers have made purchases after being engaged on Tiktok, Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram
  • 80% of consumers have purchased something via an influencer recommendation
  • Brands will spend up to $15 billion in this industry in 2022

As you can see from the stats, there’s no denying that influence marketing is fast becoming one of the best ways to get your product or service noticed.

When we hear the word “Influencer”, it brings-to-mind celebrity names like the Kardashians or other ultra famous people. 

These celebs have MEGA huge social media followings on social sites like Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.

However, you don’t need a huge celebrity Influencer to reap the benefits!  And here's why...

Anyone, in ANY niche who has an active following of fans, who trust what the influencer has to say, can be a valuable partner in your promotions, branding and even SEO.

Nano-Influencers can have as little as 1000 fans.  In most cases, their followers hang on every tweet or post put out.

Micro-influencers have a slightly larger following.  When a Nano-Influencers acquires at least 5000 fans they can then be considered a Macro-Influencer.

Budget wise, the two influencer types mentioned are well in reach for most.

Furthermore, engagement rates are proven to be better than with celeb influencers with millions of followers.  In other words, you get more bang for your buck!

Discover more about Influencer Marketing by signing up at the top of the page to get your free Optimized Influence guide.

On top of that, I'll send you things from time to time like valuable tips, cool tricks and growth hacks to increase your reach, engagement and even boost your keyword rankings.

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Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing Given Weight In Googles Current Core Update

Is Influencer Marketing becoming a more important ranking factor for Google?  Recent analysis

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